財富中文網 2019-12-13 02:03【大公司新聞】沙特阿美順利上市備受期待的、金額破紀錄的沙特阿美的上市,今早順利進行,很快股價漲幅達到10%的限額(從上市時的32沙特里亞爾,約8.53美元,漲至35.2里亞爾)。沙特阿美上市首日的公司估值為1.88萬億美元,超過了上周定股價時宣布的1.7萬億美元,但仍低于最早期的目標價值?!断M者新...
Unlimited data, R.I.P.
JP Mangalindan 2010-06-11 12:23Why AT&T's reversal to metered data usage will move Internet innovation in the wrong direction.Starting next week, new AT&T subscribers will no longer...
P&G loses legendary CEO
Jennifer Reingold 2009-12-10 07:22The departure of Procter & Gamble's A.G. Lafley is a loss for P&G - and the business world at large.By Jennifer ReingoldWhen I last spoke to A.G. Lafl...
P&G's leadership machine
財富中文網 2009-05-22 05:41The consumer goods giant has a proven formula to nurture top talent.By Mina KimesWhen Procter & Gamble global business units president Susan Arnold an...
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-03-03 06:59有分析師指出,生產瓶頸會限制蘋果iPad的供應,或將iPad上市時間推遲到四月份。作者:Philip Elmer-DeWitt美國投資公司Canaccord Adams分析師彼得?米塞克(Peter Misek)本周一在給客戶的報告中指出:蘋果電腦公司(Apple)既有好消息也有壞消息。好消息就是蘋...
P&G’s Lafley: Lessons in leadership
財富中文網 2009-06-11 09:21By Patricia SellersThere aren’t many hero CEOs anymore. So it’s remarkable that two of the most admired chiefs have announced their retirement within ...
Adrian Croft 2021-09-01 05:00EVgo公司是試圖在公共充電站依靠賣電來賺錢的企業(yè)之一。圖片來源:BING GUAN—BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES在20世紀,石油巨頭們紛紛盡其所能地多建加油站,為美國的高耗油汽車服務。如今,隨著電動汽車的崛起,一場新的搶建充電站的戰(zhàn)斗已經打響。各家企業(yè)正在美國各地的購物中心和州際公...
A tough job for P&G's new CEO
財富中文網 2009-06-12 05:08Bob McDonald must confront the fact that consumers are trading products like Tide, Olay, and Gillette for discount names and private labels.By Mina Ki...
Kylie Robison 2023-07-11 05:00圖片來源:FROM LEFT: MARCO BELLO—AFP/GETTY IMAGES; JONATHAN ERNST—REUTERS推特(Twitter)的聯合創(chuàng)始人杰克·多爾西(Jack Dorsey)最近對他的得意之作進行了坦率的批評?!耙磺卸紒y套了?!痹谡劶八H手創(chuàng)建的這家社交平臺時,多爾...
Katrina Broooker 2000-10-01 06:47作者:Katrina Broooker《財富》雜志:如果納斯達克股市再上升軌,人們會忘記今年春天的下跌嗎?夸特羅內(Frank Quattrone):我認為我們不會在近期恢復不合理的亢奮。過去兩年我們一直處于這種瘋狂的狀態(tài),似乎上帝賦予股票每年上升50%到100%的權利。所以,當股市開始下跌時,出現...