偉大的杰里·烏希姆——這是他很早以前在《財富》雜志工作時我們對他的稱呼——在《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)的3月刊上有一篇關于福特(Ford)首席執(zhí)行官吉姆·哈克特的出色報道。我之所以推薦它,是因為它敏銳地洞察到哈克特實際上是一位新型的工業(yè)公司領袖,是一名“用戶體驗設計師型”首席執(zhí)行官。 哈克特是設計思維的擁護者,這種產(chǎn)品設計的理念將用戶體驗,即UX,放在最重要的地位。只有用戶愿意使用,才說明產(chǎn)品特色優(yōu)秀。若是無人問津,情況則相反。福特愿意讓一個最大優(yōu)點在于傾聽消費者的人來負責這家傳奇企業(yè),充分說明了這一理念的優(yōu)越性。(我在18個月前寫的一篇有關哈克特的報道持有類似看法,當時這位前Steelcase公司的高管剛掌舵福特不久。) 哈克特的報道都傾向于以最終“肯定”的減損作為結尾。也就是說:誠然,無論哈克特的想法多么聰明,他還沒能在財務上出人頭地。自從我上次報道福特以來,該公司的股價已經(jīng)下跌了30%,而整體市場在同期卻有10%的上漲。福特的董事長比爾·福特之前曾經(jīng)是首席執(zhí)行官,他親自邀請哈克特來當董事長。然而,如果公司的股價仍然尷尬地保持在個位數(shù),哈克特也就只能到此為止了。(目前福特的股價不到9美元。)許多人指出,福特的市值還不如特斯拉(Tesla),而且差值達到了令人震驚的150億美元(不過算上債務,福特的價值仍舊接近特斯拉的三倍)。 順便一提,今天也是討論設計思維的好日子。今天早上,《財富》的頭腦風暴設計大會(Brainstorm Design conference)在新加坡召開。這是將設計應用于工作中的一群商界人士的聚會。這也是一群富有魅力的人,你可以在Fortune.com關注大會議程。(財富中文網(wǎng)) 譯者:嚴匡正 |
The great Jerry Useem—that’s how we referred to him when he worked at Fortune a publishing world eon ago—has a marvelous profile of Ford CEO Jim Hackett in the March issue of The Atlantic. I recommend it for its delicious nugget of insight, that Hackett is effectively a new kind of industrial-company leader, the “UX designer” as CEO. Hackett is a proponent of design thinking, the approach to product design that says user experience, or UX, is paramount. Features are great so long as users use them. Otherwise they aren’t so great. That Ford would put a guy in charge of the storied institution whose chief virtue is his intellectual framework for listening to customers speaks volumes to the ascendancy of the concept. (I covered some similar ground in my own profile of Hackett about 18 months ago, shortly after the former Steelcase executive was tapped to run Ford.) Profiles of Hackett tend to end with the ultimate “to be sure” derogation. To wit: To be sure, no matter how clever his ideas Hackett has yet to distinguish himself financially. Ford’s stock is off nearly 30% since I wrote about the company, compared with a 10% jump in the overall market. Ford Chairman Bill Ford, a former CEO himself, personally recruited Hackett as chairman. Still, Hackett can only last so long if the company’s stock remains a single-digit embarrassment. (It trades below $9 a share.) Many have noted that Ford is worth less than Tesla on the stock market. That delta is a shocking $15 billion (including debt, however, Ford is still worth almost triple Tesla). It’s a good day to talk about design thinking, by way. This morning in Singapore Fortune’s Brainstorm Design conference began. It’s a conclave of businesspeople who apply design in their work. It’s also a fascinating collection of people, and you can follow the proceedings at Fortune.com. |