????? Ignore recruiting if it's not for you.
????@andrewrosenthal, HBS '12
????? Travel. A lot. Don't get so caught up in rat race that you forget that this is your last chance to go everywhere, see everything.
????@kcapelluto, HBS '10 || GM Superchannels, AOL
????? Do the maximum number of field studies.
????@bijans, HBS '04 || General Partner, Highland Capital Partners
????@ellwheeler, HBS '11 || Senior Associate, Greycroft Partners
????@joverdorff, Wharton '11 || Associate, TechStars NYC
????? A non-traditional background doesn't mean you're behind. So don't be afraid to speak up.
????@cmwalla, HBS '10 || Co-founder, Quincy Apparel
????? JFDI. Really, stop talking and posturing and do something…
????@jamesreinhart, HBS '09 || Co-founder & CEO, ThredUp
????? Listen more.
????? @davealevine, HBS '09 || Investment professional, Paulson & Co.
????Stay curious and humble. Experiment. Use the resources. Take risks. Fail. Blaze your own trail.
????@vlgreen, MIT Sloan '11 || Co-founder & CEO, OnChip Power
????Alex Taussig is a Principal with Highland Capital Partners and invests in early stage technology companies. You can find this blog post, as well as additional content on his blog infinitetoventure.com.