由于日元的強勢升值,豐田公司(Toyota)預計,該公司今年的凈利潤跌幅或將超過35%。這意味著,豐田在弱勢日元時代連續(xù)3年刷新紀錄的盈利期將就此結束。 據湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)I/B/E/S報道,本周三豐田公司表示,該公司本會計年度(截止到2017年3月)的利潤額將從上年的2.31萬億日元下跌至1.5萬億日元(約合138.1億美元),遠低于此前28位分析師做出的平均2.25萬億日元的預期。 豐田雖然是目前全球最有價值的汽車制造商,但利潤的劇降意味著,即便來自無人駕駛和替代能源汽車等領域的競爭加劇,豐田也可能難以保持對新技術和新產品的投資。 豐田公司表示,據該公司預測,今年日元兌美元匯率有可能從去年的120:1上浮至105:1。匯率變動有可能給豐田的營業(yè)利潤造成高達9350億日元的損失。 豐田董事長兼首席執(zhí)行官豐田章男在財報發(fā)布會上表示:“過去幾年的營收成績,很大程度上得到了匯率的幫助?!辈⒎Q過去幾年的弱勢日元時代為“順風期”。 “但是自從今年初開始,大趨勢變了。” 日元幣值的波動會對豐田的營收產生重大影響,因為豐田在國內生產的近半數(shù)汽車都被出口至國外。日元兌美元的匯率每浮動1日元,都將對豐田的營業(yè)利潤產生高達4000億日元的影響。 豐田并未透露它將采取哪些專門措施以對抗強勢日元的影響,不過它表示,該公司將繼續(xù)投資于業(yè)績增長。 豐田常務副總裁伊地知隆彥表示,目前對于匯率的“逆風期”,公司暫時既沒有“錦囊妙計”,也沒有“靈丹妙藥”。 據該公司預計,刨去中國市場的營收,公司今年的營業(yè)利潤將下跌40%,約為1.7萬億日元。而且這還沒有算上上個月日本西南部大地震導致的停產所帶來的影響。 今年一季度,豐田的成績在全球銷量第一的汽車廠商——德國大眾(Volkswagen)面前顯得默然失色。據豐田預計,該公司本財年的汽車銷量約為1015萬輛,略高于去年的1009.4萬輛。 從年初以來,豐田的股價已經下跌了約四分之一。為了給股價撐腰,豐田已經宣布了價值高達46億美元的股票回購計劃。(財富中文網) 譯者:樸成奎 |
Toyota TM -6.09% forecast a bigger-than-expected 35% tumble in net profit for the current year due to the sharp appreciation of the yen, ending three straight years of record profits driven in part by a weak currency. The Japanese automaker said on Wednesday profit for the year ending in March 2017 will fall to 1.5 trillion yen ($13.81 billion) from 2.31 trillion yen in the prior year, and far short of the average 2.25 trillion yen for the current year estimated by 28 analysts, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. Lower profits will make it harder for Toyota, the world’s most valuable automaker, to keep investing in new technologies and products even as competition intensifies in areas such as autonomous driverless and alternative-energy vehicles. Toyota said it was assuming the dollar would average 105 yen this year, versus a far more favorable 120 yen last year. Foreign exchange losses would therefore have a negative impact of 935 billion yen on operating profit this year, it said. “Earnings results in the past few years have been largely helped by foreign exchange rates,” said Toyota’s President and chief executive Akio Toyoda at an earnings briefing, describing the yen’s weakness as “tailwind.” “But since the start of this year the tide has changed.” The yen’s sudden strength is creating a tough business environment for Toyota. Volatility in the yen’s value can have a major impact on Toyota’s earnings, as it exported nearly half of its domestic production in the past year. Each 1 yen move in the dollar/yen rate affects its operating profit by 40 billion yen. Toyota did not mention any specific measures to counter the strengthening yen, but said it will continue to invest in growth. There is “no clever scheme” or “magic wand” to counter forex headwinds, said executive vice president Takahiko Ijichi. The company expects operating profit, which excludes earnings in China, will drop 40% this year to 1.7 trillion yen. That does not take into account any impact caused by production stoppages that followed the deadly earthquakes in southwestern Japan last month, it said. Toyota, which was eclipsed by Volkswagen as the world’s top-selling car maker in the first quarter, said it expected global sales to inch up to 10.15 million vehicles in the year to March, from 10.094 million last year. Toyota shares have lost about a quarter of their value in 2016. In a bid to support them, Toyota announced a share buyback of up to $4.6 billion. |