Alex Taylor III

????1948版凱迪拉克帝威 ????搖滾巨星查克?貝里并不是唯一個為凱迪拉克帝威轎跑(Coup De Ville)唱贊歌的人。這款轎車的尾鰭和碩大的前保險杠令人過目難忘。它搭載了令人咂舌的472立方英寸(7.7L)V8發(fā)動機,車身長度達到19英尺。凱迪拉克在短短一年內(nèi)賣出了50,000臺帝威轎跑。不過從1977年起,隨著美國車市紛紛開始為肌肉車“瘦身減肌”,帝威轎跑的駕始樂趣戛然而止,到1993年終于全面停產(chǎn)。 ???? |
1948 Cadillac Coup de Ville ????Chuck Berry wasn't the only one who sang the praises of the Coup de Ville. Instantly recognizable with its tailfins and massive front bumpers, it would grow to 19 feet in length, with a 472 cu. in. V-8. Cadillac sold as many as 50,000 a year, but the fun ended in 1977 when downsizing started. It was all over by 1993. ??? |